Short Course FAQs
Are applicants from Lebanon allowed to apply for UWC Short Courses abroad?
Connecting with the Mediterranean is one of many UWC Short Courses offered worldwide which applicants can apply to. However, Each Short Course has its own admissions process, deadlines and eligibility criteria. If you are interested in applying to a UWC Short Course, please visit the Current Short Courses page to find out about more about this year's Short Courses.
Are scholarships available?
UWC Lebanon is committed to educating a deliberately diverse group of young people. We strongly believe that finance should not hold people back from participating in a Short Course. During the Past Short Courses in Lebanon, we were able to offer a number of need-based scholarships. We plan on continuing this support in case more Short Courses were to be held in Lebanon. Participants must usually cover their own travel costs, visas, and spending money.
Regarding UWC Short Courses outside of Lebanon, some funding is available on a course-by-course basis. Participants must usually cover their own travel costs, visas, and spending money. All matters that are not related to UWC Lebanon must be directed to the respective Short Course organisers.
Who is running the Short Courses?
UWC Short Courses are facilitated by a diverse and professional team from around the world, most of whom are alumni of UWC schools or Short Courses themselves. In addition to academic expertise, they also have experience working in their respective field.
What are the language requirements for this programme?
UWC Short Courses, including Connecting with the Mediterranean, are conducted in English. The main condition to attend a UWC Short Course is the ability to express yourself in English.
Do Short Courses offer a safe environment?
Short Courses organisers must certify a safe environment for their participants and their personnel in order to receive a UWC accreditation. The organisers put forward general rules of good conduct during the Short Course and comply with local regulations. Should the participant not feel safe at a UWC Short Course, they are encouraged to communicate with the Short Course organisers and the National Committee that nominated them for the Short Course.
Is it possible to miss a part of the Short Course?
It is important for the participants to be present for the entirety of the Short Course to guarantee the full enjoyment of the program. This is why it is very important for the participant to be available during the full period of the Short Course.
Is there an examination process?
Normally, there are no examinations. UWC Short Courses focus on experiential learning, outdoor education and personal initiative. Different Short Courses adopt different themes which shape the educational environment of the Short Course. Over the course of two weeks, participants will be immersed in workshops, outings, and many cultural events that put the Short Course’s theme into action.
Participants will receive a certificate of participation towards the end of the course.
Can a family member or a friend come to visit?
Personal visits are mostly discouraged unless the Short Course organiser allows it, for example, for an information session. Participants will have access to WIFI to remain in contact with their family and friends at home.